

السياحة في الكاميرون

إن الكاميرون بحق هى وجهة سياحية ممتازة. فهي تمتد من الشواطئ الخصبة للمحيط  إلى المنطقة الرملية و القاحلة لبحيرة تشاد

فالكاميرون تتميز بأنها تتمتع بتقريبا كافة عوامل الجذب الثقافية و المناظر الطبيعية و الحياة البرية الموجودة بأماكن أخرى بأفريقيا: مساحات كبيرة من الحشائش الخضراء غربا, و الغابات المطيرة الكثيفة جنوبا و شرقا, و مناطق واسعة من السافانا على هضاب أداماوا… إنها بحق “كل أفريقيا فى بلد واحد” ! و السياحة هى نشاط دائم على مدار السنة, إذ أنه من الممكن القيام بالصيد و السافارى منذ نوفمبر و حتى مايو بالمنطقة الشمالية من البلاد, أما كافة الأنشطة السياحية الأخرى فممكن القيام بها على مدار السنة بأقاليم أخرى.

Korup National Parc

Located in the South-West Region, Korup National Park extends over 1260km². There are around 160 species of mammals, 430 species of birds, 170 species of amphibians and reptiles and 14 species of primates among others.

Dja Biosphere Reserve

Registered on the World Heritage List, the Dja Biosphere Reserve, located in the South Region, extends over approximately 5000km². It is home to more than a hundred animal species, including leopards, elephants, gray parrots, primates, the African golden cat among others. Located in the heart of the tropical forest, it also welcomes residents, including the pygmies.

The villages of Cases Obus

The villages of Pouss and Mourla in the Far-North Region are renowned for the shell huts, built in terracotta, with the application of traditional housing techniques. These shell huts symbolize the beauty of the vernacular architecture in Cameroon.

The National Museum

The National Museum of Cameroon is housed in the former Presidential Palace, located in the administrative district of the political capital, Yaoundé. It is full of a collection that is absolutely a must-see for any enthusiast of the history of Cameroon.

The “Lamidat” Palace of Rey-Bouba

Registered on the Indicative List of Cameroonian Cultural Heritage, the Lamidat Palace of Rey-Bouba is a historic site located in the North Region of Cameroon. The Palais de Rey-Bouba is a living witness to the traditional know-how of DOUI or DII artisans. It constitutes the Heritage of customary power and has undeniable historical, cultural, social, and educational values.

The Slave Port of Bimbia

Bimbia is an ancient port that played a key role in the transatlantic trade in the Gulf of Guinea between the 17th and 19th centuries. The site is located on the Atlantic coast, more than ten kilometers southeast of the current city of Limbe, in the district of Limbe III. It is the testimony of the Transatlantic Trade in Cameroon. The site is registered on the Indicative List of Cameroonian Cultural Heritage.

The Maritime Museum of Douala

The Douala Maritime Museum is a cultural institution which exhibits various collections, made up of art objects, archives, plans among others. Repository of the memory of the National Council of Shippers of Cameroon, it teaches a part of the maritime identity of Douala, as a city-port and economic capital of Cameroon.

Maroua Craft Complex

The Maroua craft complex is an ecotourism site, which offers visitors the opportunity to immerse in the crafts production chain. The artisans showcase their know-how in full force and sell their production directly to visitors.


For further inquiries, please refer to companies in the cultural and tourism sector in Cameroon, as well as to the central services and branches of the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure.

The Cultural Service of the Embassy could also assist for any inquiries pertaining to tourist entry visa to Cameroon.